Can artificial intelligence help to achieve inclusivity?

Photo by ThisIsEngineering:

Artificial intelligence can play a role in finding solutions to many of Africa’s development challenges, but it requires a sensitivity to context, not to mention a healthy scepticism towards the idea of technology as objective or unaffected by the positionality of those designing the AI algorithms. For the African scientific community, AI cannot be ignored.…

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Innovation for Development: SGCI-funded Projects in Africa

The inaugural Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI) academic symposium took place on 6 December as part of the ongoing African Science Granting Councils and Partner Meetings in Cape Town. The SGCI has facilitated the funding of over 70 research projects across all scientific fields. Working together with the 17 science granting councils…

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Africa’s Funding Councils Meet for Impact

Participating councils of the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI) deliberated on progress, focus and initiatives to advance research and innovation since the SGCI was established. Participating in the SGCI’s Annual Forum held parallel to the World Science Forum (WSF), hosted by South Africa’s Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) in Cape Town,…

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The NRF Hosts Strategic Meetings to Advance Research Partnerships in Africa

The National Research Foundation (NRF) will host the African Science Granting Councils and Partner Meetings during 4-8 December 2022 in Cape Town in parallel to the World Science Forum (WSF) hosted by South Africa’s Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). Since 2015, Science Granting Councils (SGCs) from Africa have hosted an annual series of high-level…

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New report highlights the need for research-based policy in Africa

Globally, the use of research in formulating policy, gained traction just after World War II and became a standard of best practice for governmental and non-governmental organisations towards the end of the 20th century. Consequently, nations of the Global North are striving to use evidence-based policies in advancing their development agenda. Examples of such countries…

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Women in research – More than a numbers game

By Gkbediako (CC-BY-SA-4.0Self-published work)

When policy-makers and strategic planners gather to talk about addressing gender and inclusivity issues in research, the predominant focus tends to be on how to bring more women into the existing science, technology and innovation system through the implementation of strategies such as quotas and mentoring programmes. The absence of women is framed as a…

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New report highlights the need for an intersectional approach to addressing gender inequality in grant-making.

Sparked by growing momentum in addressing gender equality and diversity in research, a new report by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) explores how an intersectional approach can support gender transformative grant-making practices. There has been growing awareness that addressing gender disparities in research promotes excellence and advances gender equality in society broadly. Approaches to…

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One year of implementing the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair in Research and Action against Cancer

In October 2021, Prof Olga Lompo and Prof Samira Ouédraogo officially started implementing research and training activities under the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chairs Initiative (ORTARChI) at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (UJKZ) in Burkina Faso, the first ever research chair awarded to a Francophone country. This research chair was awarded using a co-chair model. In addition,…

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O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair in Technology Entrepreneurship and Youth Employability launched

The research chair hosted at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana and awarded to Prof Nathaniel Boso was launched on 13 October 2022. The launch was officiated by the KNUST university leadership with representation from the South African High Commission to the Republic of Ghana; South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF);…

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The SGCI mourns the loss of Mr. Filipo Zulu

It is with deep sadness that the Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) in Sub-Saharan Africa family has learnt of the untimely passing of Mr. Filipo Zulu, Acting Executive Secretary, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Zambia. Since the inception of the SGCI, Mr. Zulu has led engagements of the SGCI, initially as the SGCI coordinator…

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