Call for proposals to help Africa’s scientific research funding agencies develop policy frameworks and enabling structures for public-private partnerships

The Scientific Research Granting Agencies Initiative (SRGI) in Sub-Saharan Africa invites project proposals from organizations (including think tanks, institutes, universities and agencies) with proven track records and experience to help councils develop policy frameworks and enabling structures for partnerships with the private sector. For further information, please consult: Call for proposals to help African scientific…

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Advocacy for gender equality encounters difficulties

Photo by Markus Winkler:

1. Gender equality is a key element of the Science Funding Agencies Initiative (SFAI) 2. But efforts to promote gender equality in Africa still face obstacles   3. More platforms are needed to highlight the work of women and girls in STEM. [ACCRA] A regional gender awareness program is helping women researchers in science, technology,…

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Research data shows persistent gender gap in Uganda

Image by erinbetzk from Pixabay

1. Flagrant pay inequalities between men and women 2. In Uganda, women account for less than a third of researchers 3. Lack of legislation contributes to gender inequality     [KAMPALA] In Uganda, the proportion of female researchers is below the world average, according to a report by the country’s research agency.   The Uganda…

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Uganda must close gender gap and science funding gap

Photo by Timothy Nkwasibwe:

Only a quarter of PhD graduates in Uganda in the last ten years have been women Reforms are needed to encourage the inclusion of women in science, technology and innovation (STI)   Private investment in ITS financing must be encouraged [KAMPALA] According to one report, urgent action is needed to improve the inclusion of women…

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Gender mainstreaming in R&D “gaining ground in Uganda

A poster on 'gender research in Uganda' presented at the Institutional Planning Meeting (IPM) 16-19 Sep 2019. Photo by: ILRI/Paul Karaimu

QUICK VIEW] 1. Gender and inclusion is one of the six themes of the Scientific Research Granting Agencies Initiative. 2. This topic is fuelling debates in Uganda on the issue of gender in research and development.   3. Uganda must reform R&D funding and management to promote sustainable development [KAMPALA] The inclusion of women in…

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Ending gender inequality in science in Africa

Further efforts are needed to eliminate the inequalities in treatment that persist between men and women despite the progress made in recent years. In its 2022 National Research Outlook report, the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) points out that the proportion of women in the country’s research and higher education institutions has…

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Apurmed, the application that helps doctors write prescriptions

Developed in Burkina Faso, this digital solution reduces the risk of prescribing drugs that are incompatible with each other or unsuitable for the patient’s health. Fast playback This application, developed by the medical informatics laboratory, lists over 4,000 drugs. Its user-friendly options help doctors avoid medication errors For the experts, if its use is popularized,…

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Funding methods and foreign influence “hold back scientific progress in Africa”.

African researchers are calling for supportive policies, increased funding and a collaborative approach to research and development to bridge the gap between scientific research and policy implementation. Fast playback African researchers want less foreign funding and more collaboration They believe that their work will help solve a number of local problems The continent’s scientists want…

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Zambian water project aims for climate resilience

This research project could provide clues as to the possibility of a transfer between the basins of two rivers, the Luapula and the Kafue. Fast playback Zambia’s water project is designed to combat the consequences of global warming and improve the sustainability of water resources. It will study the positive aspects of a possible transfer…

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