Research project to boost innovation in Africa

A research and innovation management program helps scientific research granting agencies to select and fund the most effective projects. By Afeez Bolaji A new project tackles the research and innovation challenges facing sub-Saharan Africa, bridging funding gaps and gender imbalances to boost development in the region. The Research and Innovation Management (RIM) project was driven…

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Research in Africa “stifled by unequal partnerships

Equitable research partnerships produce better results. By Gilbert Nakweya [NAIROBI] African researchers are often underestimated and marginalized in collaborative research projects. As a result, the scientific issues are flawed and the interpretation of the data is biased, said university officials in a debate. Academics spoke out on this subject at an online seminar on equitable…

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Researchers forge partnerships with the private sector in Malawi

Des agricultrices présentent une variété améliorée d’arachide au Malawi. Selon Gift Kadzamira, directrice générale de la Commission malawite pour la science et la technique, les partenariats dans le domaine de la recherche ont pour objectif de trouver des solutions innovantes et des applications pratiques. Photo : A Diama/ICRISAT (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED)

Partnerships with business and the public sector enable Malawi’s researchers to tackle “real-world problems”. By Michael Kaloki The Science Funding Agencies Initiative (SFAI) uses the “triple helix” approach to enable African researchers to collaborate with national government departments, the private sector and other researchers to advance science and address research funding challenges. Gift Kadzamira, Director…

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New start for Sierra Leone’s Scientific Council

Sierra Leone’s Science, Technology and Innovation Council gets a second wind thanks to support from IOSRS. [NAIROBI] A pan-African initiative to provide financial support to scientific research granting bodies has boosted the Sierra Leone Science, Technology and Innovation Council (NSTIC), helping it to become more recognized and effective, said the chairman of the Sierra Leone…

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Malawi aims to boost ethanol production amid challenges

Gift Kadzamira, Director General, National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST)

Malawi is banking on ethanol as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to imported petrol. By Paul Adepoju Malawi is working to increase its ethanol production through public-private partnerships in a bid to generate cheaper, cleaner transport fuel, a senior official says. Ethanol, which is made by breaking down the starch in maize kernels into sugar…

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African research ‘stifled by unequal partnerships’

Experts say inequity in research partnerships between Africans and their counterparts in higher income countries undermine research integrity. Copyright: Pexels Cottonbro studio (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED).

Equitable research partnerships lead to better outcomes. By: Gilbert Nakweya [NAIROBI] African scientists are often undervalued and marginalized in collaborative research projects, leading to flawed research questions and biased interpretation of data, academic leaders told a panel discussion. Speaking during a webinar on fair and inclusive partnerships organised by the Southern African Research and Innovation Management…

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Research project to enrich Africa’s innovation scene

A cross section of participants at the RIM project workshop in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania from March 25 to March 27, 2024

A research and innovation management programme is helping science granting councils scope out impactful projects to fund. By Afeez Bolaji A new project is addressing Sub-Saharan Africa’s research and innovation challenges, funding gaps and gender imbalances to drive development in the region. The Research and Innovation Management (RIM) project is an initiative of the Science Granting Council Initiative (SGCI) aimed at improving the 17-member councils’ ability to identify, support and…

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Researchers partner with private sector in Malawi

Collaborations with businesses and government help researchers in Malawi tackle ‘real world problems’. By: Michael Kaloki The Science Granting Councils Initiative is using the so-called “triple helix approach” to enable African researchers to collaborate with their governments, the private sector and other scientists, to advance science and overcome funding challenges.  Gift Kadzamira, director general of the National Commission…

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Sierra Leone’s science council given new lease of life

Registered nurses looking after newborns at Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, in Freetown Sierra Leone in 2018. The country's science council has recieved SGCI support to promote science and technology to improve the quality of life of citizens. Copyright: Dominic Chavez/World Bank, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED.

Sierra Leone’s National Science, Technology, and Innovation Council is being revived with support from SGCI. By: Nelson Mandela Ogema [NAIROBI] A pan-African initiative supporting science granting councils has boosted Sierra Leone’s National Science, Technology and Innovation Council, helping it gain international recognition and relevance, the Sierra Leonean science council chair has said. Jonas Redwood-Sawyerr, chair of Sierra…

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