The SGCI hosts the Annual Regional Meeting

The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) hosted the 2023 Science Granting Councils Initiative in sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI) Regional Meeting during 19-23 June at Munyonyo, Uganda under the theme “The role of Science Granting Councils in Africa’s development”. The meeting provided an opportunity for sharing of achievements, lessons and good practices among the…

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Towards a more equal and connected world for women and girls

Assétou Sawadogo Kabore and Ndeye Sine Diop – two participants in the SGCI Gender and Inclusivity Project – share their impressions of the 67th annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) held in New York in March.   “We must remember that it is not a question of having beautiful conclusions; they…

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Gender does matter – Organisational learnings from the Gender Action Learning Process in the SGCI Gender and Inclusivity Project  

Members of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) joined senior Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) staff in a Feminar facilitated by Gender at Work entitled “Going beyond the SGCI: Learnings and reflections on positionality power and politics. Integrating gender and inclusivity perspectives into the ecosystems of research institutions”. The Feminar, which drew together experts from…

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Taking stock: The Gender and Inclusivity Project at the end of its first cycle

SGCI-II G&I Project participating countries: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. A Final Learning Summit held in Cape Town in February marked the end of the first cycle of the Gender and Inclusivity Project (G&I Project) of the Science Granting Councils Initiative…

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TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme: 3 months Research Visit to Germany

                                                                                              6 June 2023 TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme Based on the agreement with The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) draws the attention of researchers at German research institutions to the possibility of inviting early-career researchers of all disciplines from sub-Saharan…

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