
Research Management

Initiative goals

We are strengthening the ability of Science Granting Councils in research management. We have partnered with the councils to:

  • Strengthen their research and grant-making systems and procedures and scientific merit review.
  • Digitise their online grant management systems and databases of peer reviewers.
  • Integrate research excellence (particularly the knowledge and use of tools such as Research Quality Plus framework), research ethics, and emerging scientific practices in open and collaborative science (open access, open data and citizen science) in their work.
  • Quality Plus framework), research ethics, and emerging scientific practices in open and collaborative science (open access, open data and citizen science) in their work.
  • Facilitate their access to the Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP) certification to improve grants management.
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer learning among Councils through staff exchanges and learning visits.
  • Support proposal development skills among the SGCs’ research grantees.

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Research Management News

Cephas Adjei Mensah, Director for Research, Statistics, and Information Management at Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI)

SGCI is Strengthening Research Systems in Africa: A Conversation with Cephas Adjei Mensah, Ghana

African countries are increasingly leveraging regional collaboration to strengthen their research systems and drive socio-economic progress, inspiring hope for the future of the African science community. In an exclusive video interview, Cephas Adjei Mensah, Director for Research, Statistics, and Information Management at Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI), discusses how Ghana and…

Go Data, software to improve malaria surveillance in Burkina Faso

L’outil numérique développé par l’OMS et le Réseau mondial d’alerte et d’action en cas d’épidémie contribue à lutter efficacement contre la maladie. Par : Abdel Aziz Nabaloum L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et le Réseau mondial d’alerte et d’action en cas d’épidémie (GOARN) ont mis au point un logiciel qui contribue à la surveillance des…

NRF and MINDS Announce Partnership Agreement for Joint Postgraduate Scholarship and Exchange Programme for Africa

The National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) have formalised a prominent agreement for a joint postgraduate scholarship and exchange programme for Africa. The scholarship programme will support postgraduate students in critical fields for the continent – African Heritage; Water-Energy-Food Nexus; Smart Economy; ICT; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; and Health….

Science Grant Councils

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Our work with Science Granting Councils (SGCs) focuses on six key themes :

Strategic Communications and Knowledge uptake
NRF hosting

Strategic Communications and Knowledge uptake

Gender and Inclusivity

Gender and Inclusivity

Private Sector Engagement

Private Sector Engagement

Evidence in Policymaking

Evidence in Policymaking

Research and Innovation
NRF hosting

Research and Innovation

Funding Agencies
SGCI meeting with funding agency staff in West Africa.

Funding Agencies

Impact we’re having

Low-tech health app engages

Five years after its launch, PENSA – a mobile app developed in Mozambique— has been accessed by…

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