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SGCI Funded Project

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Project Titles & Institution
  1. Developing a Mobile Solar Powered Battery Energy Storage System for Power Backup of Milk Cooling Facilities in Thyolo District - Malawi University of Science and Technology
  2. Out scaling of Improved Fish Processing Technologies for Sustainable Fish Value Chain Development, Post-Harvest Loss Reduction and Bridging the Socio-economic Gap among Actors - Monkey Bay Capture Fisheries Research Centre
  3. Promoting Small-Scale Cage Aquaculture in Likoma (PROSCAL) - Mzuzu University
  4. Functionalization of Black Soldier fly Frass Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), rice husk biochar and coffee ground mixture as sustainable organic fertilizer for improving soil health and agricultural productivity in Malawi - Mzuzu University
  5. Alternative Sustainable Renewable Biomass for Tobacco Curing and Clean Cooking in Malawi: An Assessment of Fuel Quality and Performance - Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Areas of Research
  • Emerging technologies (Agricultural Biotechnology)
Number of Projects being funded
  • 5 projects
Project Duration
  • 18 months
Grant Amount
  • 4 projects (32M MK) and 1 project (31M MK)
In-Kind Distribution
  • None
  • National Science and Technology Council (NCST)
Collaboration with other councils
  • Zimbabwe