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News and blogs from across SGCI and its councils.

Wind energy harnessed to solve power shortages in rural Nigeria

Nigerian innovators harness the power of the wind to provide electricity to rural communities. Speed read 1. Nigerian researchers develop a wind energy solution to power…

Funding Call : Public sector Engagement

Funding opportunities

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‘Institutional change’ needed to meet gender equity goals

1. Increased funding, data collection, needed for gender equality – UN report 2. 2030 gender equality targets…

How Uganda is unlocking its research potential for long-term development and prosperity

Uganda’s National Research Outlook Report 2023 shows that Science, technology and innovation are set to play a…

Ending gender inequality in science in Africa

Further efforts are needed to tackle the inequalities in treatment that persist between men and women despite…

Ugandan research data points to stubborn gender gap

Uganda’s latest research output figures highlight need to close gender gap 1. Inequalities evident in pay gaps…

Gender equality advocacy faces challenges

A regional advocacy on gender equality is making slow progress in getting more women into STEM 1….

Strong policies, actions ‘needed to aid gender parity’

Science granting councils in Sub-Saharan Africa should have strong policies to promote gender parity in science. 1….

Uganda must plug gender, funding gaps in science

Only a quarter of Uganda’s PhD holders over the last decade were women Reforms are needed to…

Gender inclusivity in R&D ‘gaining traction in Uganda’

1. One of the six themes of the Science Granting Council Initiative is gender and inclusivity 2….

The SGCI hosts the Annual Regional Meeting

The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) hosted the 2023 Science Granting Councils Initiative in…


The SGCI aims to strengthen the capacities of these SGCs to support research and evidence-based policies that will contribute to economic and social development.

Strategic Communications and Knowledge uptake

Strategic Communications and Knowledge uptake

Gender and Inclusivity

Gender and Inclusivity

Private Sector Engagement

Private Sector Engagement

Research Management

Research Management

Evidence in Policymaking

Evidence in Policymaking

