News and blogs from across SGCI and its councils.
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Boosting Botswana’s innovation through the Science Granting Councils Initiative
The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) fosters collaborative research across Africa. The initiative promotes evidence-based innovation and policies. In so doing, it empowers science granting councils…
Call open: LEAWEF Multilateral Research Programme: knowledge needed on integrated solutions in water, energy and food
Call for proposals to help Africa’s scientific research funding agencies develop policy frameworks and enabling structures for public-private partnerships
The Scientific Research Granting Agencies Initiative (SRGI) in Sub-Saharan Africa invites project proposals from organizations (including think…
Advocacy for gender equality encounters difficulties
[ACCRA] A regional gender awareness program is helping women researchers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)…
Research data shows persistent gender gap in Uganda
[KAMPALA] In Uganda, the proportion of female researchers is below the world average, according to a report…
Uganda must close gender gap and science funding gap
Only a quarter of PhD graduates in Uganda in the last ten years have been women Reforms…
Strong policies and actions are “necessary to encourage gender parity”.
[JOHANNESBURG] Stronger policies and concrete actions are needed to ensure gender parity in science, technology and innovation,…
Gender mainstreaming in R&D “gaining ground in Uganda
[KAMPALA] The inclusion of women in Uganda’s research ecosystem is attracting increasing attention, but the country needs…
Ending gender inequality in science in Africa
Further efforts are needed to eliminate the inequalities in treatment that persist between men and women despite…
Invitation to an African-German scientific exchange: “Neuroscience”.
La Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – Fondation allemande pour la recherche) souhaite inviter des chercheur·se·s de tous les…
Partnership between IOSRS and Botswana to promote science and research
A new research fund in Botswana will enable it to collaborate with other countries on research projects….
The SGCI aims to strengthen the capacities of these SGCs to support research and evidence-based policies that will contribute to economic and social development.