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SGCI Funded Project

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Project Titles & Institution
  1. Climate smart crops production under arid and semi-arid environments - Fedis Agricultural Research Center
  2. Climate smart crops production under arid and semi-arid environments - Sekota Dry Land Agricultural Research Center
  3. Enset processing Technologies, fortification and commercialization - Arba Minch University
  4. Biogas for urban farming and energy source - Adama Science and Technology University
  5. Tissue culture based mini-tuber multiplication for potato production - Dessie Tissue Culture
  6. Microalgae scale up, value addition and commercialization - Ethiopian Biotechnology Society
  7. De-fluoridation of drinking water - Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
  8. Community based artificial insemination (AI) for genetic reconstitution - Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute (EIAR), Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center
  9. Innovative conversion and utilization of biomass - Manufacturing Industry Development Institute
  Areas of Research
  • Health, agriculture, technology, biotechnology, renewable energy, climate change
Number of Projects being funded
  • 9 projects
Project Duration
  • 24 months
Grant Amount
  • 1.3M - 2.1M ETB
In-Kind Distribution
  • Yes, details not provided
  • Bio and Emerging Technology Institute (BETIn)
Collaboration with other councils
  • None