SGCI Funded Project
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Project Titles & Institution
- Coal fly ash derived filter media for pilot scale water purification: Botswana Institute for Technology, Research, and Innovation (BITRI)
- Percolation leaching process for optimum gold recovery for artisanal gold mining: Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)
- Beneficiation of Nickel Cobalt ores for battery technology application: Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)
- Innovative machine learning applications for sustainable machine practises in Botswana: Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)
Areas of Research: Mineral Technology, value addition, and/or beneficiation
Number of Projects being funded: 4 projects (2 collaborative and the other two solely by Botswana)
Project Duration: 19 months
Grant Amount: 750,000 BWP per project
In-Kind Distribution: Salary for Principal Investigator and co-research excluding students
Council: Botswana Digital and Innovation Hub (BDIH) in partnership with Department of Research S&T (DRST)Collaboration with other councils: Zimbabwe RCZ
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