SGCI Funded Project
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Project Titles & Institution
- Artificial intelligence in the early detection of dilated cardiomyopathy - Deogratias Mzurikwao, Muhimbili university of health and Allied sciences
- Proactive Monitoring of School Dropouts and Protection of Adolescents Using Artificial Intelligence - Khamisi Kalegele, Open University of Tanzania
- Development of an Artificial Intelligence-empowered Crop Disease Surveillance, Prediction, and Management - Michael Pendo John Mahenge, Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Harnessing AI for Automatic Generation of Multimedia Enhanced Educational Content: A Focus on STEM Subjects in Primary School Education - Salome Honesr Maro, University of Dar es Salaam
- Digitizing fish-farming value chains for enhanced productivity and food security in the Lake Victoria basin, Tanzania (DigiFish) - Neema Nicodemus Lyimo, Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Enhancing the Utilization of AI-Powered Clinical Decision Support Systems for The Provision of A Comprehensive Continuum Of Mental Health Care In Tanzania - Jabhera Maseke Matogoro, The University of Dodoma
- Leveraging Capabilities of Artificial Intelligence for Transparency and Accountability in the Tendering Process and Project Follow-up to Drive Sustainable Development in Tanzania - Michael Samwel Mollel, The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau
Areas of Research: Emerging technologies and development
Number of Projects being funded: 7 projects
Project Duration: 18 months
Grant Amount: 148-149M TZ each
In-Kind Distribution: 2 project with Costech funds (149 – 150M TzSh)Closed Call
Council: Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)
Collaboration with other councils: P2P learning planned with RCZ (Zimbabwe) through exchange visits