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SGCI Funded Project

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Project Titles & Institution

  1. Beneficiation of the Nickel-Cobalt (Ni-Co) ores for battery technology application - Midlands State University
  2. Development of the Percolation Leaching Process for Optimum Gold Recovery for the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Projects in Botswana and Zimbabwe Manicaland - University of Applied Science and Technology
  3. Developing and Upscaling Microbial Consortia-based Biofertilizers in Zimbabwe and Malawi - National University of Science and Technology
  4. Indigenous Microsymbionts for Food and Forage legumes: Deriving ecosystems services from Agricultural Biotechnology Marondera - University of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
  5. Geospatial, engineering and hydraulic modelling techniques in real water loss reduction in Greater Harare, Zimbabwe - University of Zimbabwe
  6. Enzyme Production - National University of Science and Technology
  7. Design and development of chiral photoelectrodes for green hydrogen generation and the development of fuel cells - Chinhoyi University of Technology

Areas of Research: Biotechnology, mining technology, space science, digital communication technologies, climate smart technologies, AI, agro-processing and renewable energy

Number of Projects being funded: 8 collaborative projects in total USD 32k each 2-Malawi, 2 Tz, 2 Botswana, 2 Namibia

Project Duration: 15 - 30 months

Grant Amount: 29,000 - 49,000 USD each

In-Kind Distribution: Personnel, communication, transportation, stationery, and other consumables (approx. value USD5,000.00)

Council: Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ)

Collaboration with other councils: National Commission for S&T (NCST, Malawi) in agricultural biotechnology and BIDH, (Botswana) in mineral technology and beneficiation. P2P learning partnership planned with COSTECH; also Namibia and Malawi