Countries worst affected by the Covid-19 pandemic are trying to procure lung ventilation equipment, which assists or replaces breathing for critically ill patients, pumping oxygen into the blood to keep…

Countries worst affected by the Covid-19 pandemic are trying to procure lung ventilation equipment, which assists or replaces breathing for critically ill patients, pumping oxygen into the blood to keep organs functioning. Arising from the above scenario, a group of students from Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka have come up with a technological innovation that involves inventing cheaper versions of ventilators.

Pule and his colleagues’ project has since been awarded a K25,000,000 by the Government through the Science and Technology Innovation Youth Fund (STIYF) implemented by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) to develop the VSD project. The team is happy that their project will aim to motivate other Zambian youths to develop

scientific or technological innovations, with specific focus on innovations that are relevant to the creation of wealth and employment.

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