
Evidence in Policymaking

Evidence for Policy goals

The Evi-Pol project’s overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of Science Granting Councils to use data and evidence in policy and decision-making. In so doing, we enable Councils to enhance their roles as policy champions nationally and regionally.
The specific objectives of this thematic area are to:

  • Support the SGCI to develop and implement MEL plans
    This includes supporting the implementation of the SGCI monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) activities across all thematic areas to ensure that the Initiative remains evidence-based and to draw learning for decision-making, including a more directed focus on the transformative nature of STI policy. The objective also includes activities to support Councils who wish to develop or revise MEL frameworks and plans and help those who want to implement revised/ newly introduced MEL plans developed under Evi-Pol 1.
  • Support Councils in STI policy review and implementation
    Support is provided to Councils to implement those STI policies that were reviewed and/or updated during Evi-Pol 1. It also supports Councils that still wish to review and update their STI policies. This also includes support for policy dialogues related to STI policy review as well as a set of work supporting councils to review and report research impact.
  • Support Councils to systematise data for policy
    These activities focus on the research and development (R&D) data component of Councils’ data management systems. Specifically, Councils are being supported to strengthen capabilities to systematically collect, manage, analyse, and use relevant R&D data in policy and decision-making. For Councils that are not mandated to collect and manage R&D survey data, support is provided to develop feasible plans (roadmaps) to digital data management, as resources become available, and to improve data governance policy and practice.
  • <Support peer-to-peer learning among Councils
    The SGCI’s STI Policy Helpdesk assists Councils in filling knowledge, evidence, and data gaps through an online website enabling them to access researchers across the African continent. A selected number of short learning exchange visits between Councils are also planned.
  • Support peer-to-peer learning among Councils
    The SGCI’s STI Policy Helpdesk assists Councils in filling knowledge, evidence, and data gaps through an online website enabling them to access researchers across the African continent. A selected number of short learning exchange visits between Councils are also planned.
  • Deepen GEI considerations in the project
    MEL, R&D data and STI policy efforts by Councils and SGCI level MEL include gender, equality and inclusion (GEI) indicators. It is a cross-cutting activity across all previous objectives.

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Evidence in Policymaking News

Biogas harvesting

Biogas plant addresses energy poverty in Malawi

Researchers in Malawi are helping communities reduce waste and improve sanitation through biogas production. By: Charles Pensulo [BLANTYRE, MALAWI] A biogas plant in Malawi has transformed the lives of mothers, girls, and children in local communities by reducing reliance on firewood and providing them with clean and sustainable energy, its developers say. Only ten per…

Metallic cages prototypes for raring desert locausts2

Mass breeding of desert locusts unlocks new food source

Researchers have developed a way of breeding locusts as a source of protein for animals and people. By: Dann Okoth [NAIROBI] Mass breeding of desert locusts in a controlled environment could provide a sustainable source of protein for animals and humans as well as business opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa, researchers say. With nearly 282 million…

Des agricultrices présentent une variété améliorée d’arachide au Malawi. Selon Gift Kadzamira, directrice générale de la Commission malawite pour la science et la technique, les partenariats dans le domaine de la recherche ont pour objectif de trouver des solutions innovantes et des applications pratiques. Photo : A Diama/ICRISAT (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED)

Researchers forge partnerships with the private sector in Malawi

Partnerships with business and the public sector enable Malawi’s researchers to tackle “real-world problems”. By Michael Kaloki The Science Funding Agencies Initiative (SFAI) uses the “triple helix” approach to enable African researchers to collaborate with national government departments, the private sector and other researchers to advance science and address research funding challenges. Gift Kadzamira, Director…

Science Grant Councils

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Our work with Science Granting Councils (SGCs) focuses on six key themes :

Strategic Communications and Knowledge uptake

Strategic Communications and Knowledge uptake

Gender and Inclusivity

Gender and Inclusivity

Private Sector Engagement

Private Sector Engagement

Research Management

Research Management



Impact we’re having

Low-tech health app engages

Five years after its launch, PENSA – a mobile app developed in Mozambique— has been accessed by…

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