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Biogas harvesting

Biogas plant addresses energy poverty in Malawi

Researchers in Malawi are helping communities reduce waste and improve sanitation through biogas production. By: Charles Pensulo [BLANTYRE, MALAWI] A biogas plant in Malawi has transformed the lives of mothers, girls, and children in local communities by reducing reliance on firewood and providing them with…

Metallic cages prototypes for raring desert locausts2

Mass breeding of desert locusts unlocks new food source

Researchers have developed a way of breeding locusts as a source of protein for animals and people. By: Dann Okoth [NAIROBI] Mass breeding of desert locusts in a controlled environment could provide a sustainable source of protein for animals and humans as well as business…

Des agricultrices présentent une variété améliorée d’arachide au Malawi. Selon Gift Kadzamira, directrice générale de la Commission malawite pour la science et la technique, les partenariats dans le domaine de la recherche ont pour objectif de trouver des solutions innovantes et des applications pratiques. Photo : A Diama/ICRISAT (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED)

Researchers forge partnerships with the private sector in Malawi

Partnerships with business and the public sector enable Malawi’s researchers to tackle “real-world problems”. By Michael Kaloki The Science Funding Agencies Initiative (SFAI) uses the “triple helix” approach to enable African researchers to collaborate with national government departments, the private sector and other researchers to…


SGCI funded projects

Information on projects funded by SGCI coming soon!

Information on projects funded by SGCI coming soon!