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SGCI Funded Project

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Project Titles & Institution

  • Investigating and Demonstrating the use of Biochar in Sustainable Agriculture as a Potential Input for Enhancing Low Soil Fertility and improving animal feed efficiency challenges in Smallholder Farming in Mozambique and Zambia - Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - Faculdade de Veterinaria
  • Solar based irrigation business model “pay as you irrigate” for women empowerment, water management and food security in Mozambique-Zambia - Pedagogical University of Maputo - Environmental Technologies - Physics.
  • Integration of Climate Services into Agricultural Production through the CAMDT/DSSAT Model to Promote Food Security in Mozambique - Sebastião Inácio Famba, Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal, UEM
  • AGRI-FLOODS: Mapping of the spatial distribution of crop types and delimitation of production field boundaries to support rapid assessment of crop conditions and agricultural planning in flood-prone areas in the Buzi, Gorongosa, Púnguè and Northern Coastal Region basins in Mozambique - José do Rosário Bofana, Faculdade de Ciências Agronómicas, Universidade Católica de Mocambique
  • Adding value to fruit waste and its potential for use as a low-cost and sustainable alternative for the enrichment of porridge and bread - Elídio Zaidine Maurício Zitha , Departamento de Investigação de Amêndoas, Instituto de Amêndoas de Moçambique
  • Dissemination of sustainable techniques for the production of artisanal feed for fish farmers in the District of Vanduzi - Tomás Muacanhia, Centro de Estudos de Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, Universidade Zambeze
Areas of Research: Sustainable agricultural practices and renewable energy; Climate-smart technologies, agriculture and agro-processing

Number of Projects being funded: 6  projects

Project Duration: over 2+ years

Grant Amount: Bilateral projects: 2,9 M MT; National Projects: 1,9 M MT

In-Kind Distribution: 8,100,000 MT

Council: Fundo Nacional de Investigação (FNI)

Collaboration with other councils: Zambia