SGCI Funded Project
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Project Titles & Institution
- Enhancing Haemoglobin and Ferritin Levels in Aneamia Patients with Iron Fortified Beetroot - Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute (NCRI)/ Dr. Francis Omujal (Private Sector partner: Baankuza Food and Nutritional Consult (U) Ltd)
- Exploring Novel Applications and Sustainability of Banana Fibre Non-woven for Innovative products (EBAFI) - Busitema University/ Dr. Edwin Kamalha (Private Sector partner: TEXFAD (U) Limited)
- The Potential of Native Colorants, Wood Flavoring and Clarifying Agents in Production of Distinctive Ugandan Tropical Fruit Wines - Kyambogo University/ Ms Henriettah Nakisozi (Private Sector partner: CMAR SOLUTIONS (U) LTD)
- Mass Production of Leather Bags in Uganda - Sasa College of Industrial Design/ Dr. Kenneth Ssemogerere (Private Sector partner:
- Uganda Leather products Manufacturers’ Association
- Kawumu Tannery (U) Ltd
- Jovi Crafts
- From Waste to Harvest: Transforming Tannery Solid Waste into Smart Organic Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture in Uganda - Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi (Private Sector partner:
- Kawumu Leather Tannery
- Uganda Leather & Allied Industries Association (ULAIA)
- Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA)
- Efficient Extraction of Oils from Candlenut Seed and Its Transesterification to High Quality Bio-diesel - Makerere University (Private Sector partner: Africa Power Initiatives (U) Limited)
- Green energy solutions
- Leather products Industry
- Agro-processing
- 6 projects
- 15 months
- 3 large projects (175M UGX) 2 medium projects (125M UGX) and 1 small project (100M UGX)
- The funded institutions have committed to providing required research infrastructures (venues, personnel, internet, web-based communications, among others)
- Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
- None
Research and Resources