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Information on projects funded by SGCI coming soon!

Information on projects funded by SGCI coming soon!

Indigenous plants support nutrition in Southern Africa

Researchers in Southern Africa turn indigenous plants into food products to tackle micronutrient deficiencies. By Nelson Mandela Ogema Food recipes developed from indigenous plants and adapted to local climates could improve nutrition and alleviate food shortages in rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa, researchers say.The African researchers created products – including jams, juices, syrups, yogurts, and…

Mozambique’s new STI policy to drive development

Mozambique’s new science, technology and innovation policy aims to drive sustainable development and productivity. By Francis Kokutse Mozambique’s new science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy will drive economic growth and sustainable development while addressing societal challenges, researchers say. Approved by Mozambique’s cabinet on 21 May, the policy aims to leverage STI to achieve sustainable development…

Story of Change

Low-tech health app engages

Five years after its launch, PENSA – a mobile app developed in Mozambique— has been accessed by more than four million people, emerging as the country’s premier digital health platform. The mobile application is enabling remote and underserved communities in the country to receive essential healthcare information and services, even using low-tech phones with limited…

Science Granting Council

Fundo Nacional de Investigação (Mozambique)

The mission of the FNI is: “To promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge, scientific research, technological innovation and the training of researchers, contributing, in particular, to the reduction of poverty in the country and, in general, to the socio-economic development of Mozambique”.


Low-tech health app engages the hard-to-reach

1. App created in Mozambique helps people in remote areas access health information 2. The mobile app is aiding disease prevention and control in Mozambique 3. But getting financial support for sustaining the app is a challenge [LAGOS] Five years after its launch, PENSA—a mobile app developed in Mozambique— has been accessed by more than…

Mozambique’s FNI at slow pace as Namibia is analyzing the PUCFPFPF agreement

The University of Maputo (Mozambique) in Namibia, UNAM has no finalized the joint project that was carried out bu the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM) and the University of Namibia, UNAM titled: Processing, Upscaling and Commercialization of Derivative Food Products of Underused Fruits and Plants in Mozambique and Namibia. https://jornalvisaomoz.com/fni-em-mocambique-a-ritmo-lento-enquanto-a-namibia-esta-a-analisar-o-acordo-pucfpfp/

The NRF hosts a Learning Visit of the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa

The National Research Foundation (NRF) is hosting its sister agencies from Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Cote D’Ivoire and Tanzania for a learning visit during 13 – 14 February 2023. The visit provides the opportunity to cross-share experiences to design and monitor research programmes and how these fit within broader monitoring, evaluation…

Innovation for Development: SGCI-funded Projects in Africa

The inaugural Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI) academic symposium took place on 6 December as part of the ongoing African Science Granting Councils and Partner Meetings in Cape Town. The SGCI has facilitated the funding of over 70 research projects across all scientific fields. Working together with the 17 science granting councils…


Invitation to an African-German Scientific Exchange: “Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) invites interested scientists from all Sub-Saharan African countries and researchers at all universities and research institutes in Germany, explicitly including universities of applied sciences, to take part in a scientific exchange in the field of agricultural sciences with special emphasis on the sustainable intensification of agriculture. The invitation…