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SGCI Funded Project

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Project Titles & Institution

  • Production of High-Quality Organic Fertilizer Through Promotion of Black Soldier Flies – RAB
  • National Program for Sustainable Usage of Organic Fertilizers – University of Rwanda
  • Fortifying Locally Consumed Vegetables with Farmed Edible Insects to Address Malnutrition and Stunting in Rwanda: An Implementation Study - University of Rwanda
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Personalized Nutrition Assistant System for Available Food Products in Rwanda – University of Rwanda

Areas of Research: Emerging technologies (AI, robotics, drone technology and 3D printing)

Number of Projects being funded: 4  projects

Project Duration: 18 months

Grant Amount: 78 M RWF each project

In-Kind Distribution: None

Council: National Council for Science and Technology (NCST)

Collaboration with other councils: None