Boosting Botswana’s innovation through the Science Granting Councils Initiative
The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) fosters collaborative research across Africa. The initiative promotes evidence-based innovation and policies. In so doing, it empowers science granting councils to drive economic and social progress. One notable partnership has been with Botswana’s Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science, and Technology. Here, four projects, focusing on various technologies, have…
SGCI supports nanotechnology project adding value to mining industry in Botswana
The mining industry in Botswana plays a pivotal role in the country’s’ economy, accounting for around 20% of GDP. However, chemicals are a much-needed part of the mining process, and they drive up costs. Mining companies in Botswana import chemicals from around the world, including China, South Africa and the USA. The chemicals act as…